Publications by Topics
Structural graph theory:
Sparse graphs with local covering conditions on edges, with D. Chakraborti, A. Madani, A. Maheshwari.
Graphs of Bounded Chordality, with A. Chaniotis and S. Spirkl.
On Separating Path and Tree Systems in Graphs, with A. Biniaz, P. Bose, J. Carufel, A. Maheshwari, S. Odak, M. Smid, S. Smorodinsky, Y. Yuditsky, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science.
Canonical trees of tree-decompositions, with J. Carmesin, M. Hamann, JCTB, 152, 1-26.
A Stallings' type theorem for quasi-transitive graphs with M. Hamann, F. Lehner, T. Rühmann, JCTB, 157, 40-69.
Two-ended quasi-transitive graphs with T. Rühmann, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications.
Algorithm and Complexity:
Algorithms for the (3,1)-cover problem with Madani, Maheshwari, Roy, Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics 2024.
Sparse graphs with local covering conditions on edges, with D. Chakraborti, A. Madani, A. Maheshwari.
Algorithms and Hardness Results for the (k,ℓ)-Cover Problem with Madani, Maheshwari, Roy,
Cayley Graphs of Order pqrs are Hamiltonian, with F. Maghsoudi.
Hamiltonicity of Transitive Graphs Whose Automorphism Group Has Z_p as Commutator Subgroups, with F. Lehner, F. Maghsoudi.
On Vertex-Transitive Graphs with a Unique Hamiltonian Cycle, with D. Witte Morris. Journal of Graph Theory.
Hamiltonicity in Generalized Quasi-Dihedral Groups, with K. Stavropoulos.
Arc-Disjoint Hamiltonian Paths in Cartesian Product of Directed Cycles, with I. Darijani and D. Witte Morris, ARS Mathematica Contemporanea.
Hamilton Circles in Cayley Graphs with T. Rühmann, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2).
From cycles to circles in Cayley graphs with T. Rühmann.
Planar and non-planar graphs
Basis numbers of bounded genus graphs with F. Lehner.
Basis numbers of 1-planar graphs with S. Bazargani, T. Biedl, P. Bose, and Maheshwari.
Independence number of 1-planar graphs with T. Biedl and P. Bose, SWAT.
On the d-independence number in 1-planar graphs, with T. Biedl and P. Bose.
Infinite graph theory
Algebraic flow theory of infinite graphs with M.J. Moghadamzadeh, European Journal of Combinatorics 62, 58-69
Canonical trees of tree-decompositions, with J. Carmesin, M. Hamann, JCTB 152, 1-26.
A Stallings' type theorem for quasi-transitive graphs with M. Hamann, F. Lehner, T. Rühmann, JCTB, 157, 40-69.
Two-ended quasi-transitive graphs with T. Rühmann, Discrete mathematics, Algorithms and Applications.
Spectral graph theory
On Matrix Product Factorization of graphs with F. Maghsoudi and S. Suda, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics.
Spectral Methods for Matrix Product Factorization with S. Akbari, Yi-Zheng Fan, Fu-Tao Hu and Yi Wang, Linear Algebra and its Applications.
Digraphs with Few Eigenvalues with M. Cavers, Linear Algebra and its Applications.
On Laplacian Eigevalues of Digraphs. with S. Akbari, M. Cavers and F. Maghsoudi.
Spectral aspects of Corona product of digraphs with M. Cavers and F. Maghsoudi.
Spectra of Digraphs with Loops with S. Akbari.
Combinatorial group theory
Subgroups arising from connected components in the Morse boundary with A. Karrer and S. Zbinden.
Splitting groups with cubic Cayley graphs of connectivity two with K. Stavropoulos, Algebraic Combinatorics, 4, no. 6.
A Stallings' type theorem for quasi-transitive graphs with M. Hamann, F. Lehner, T. Rühmann, JCTB, 157, 40-69.
Two-ended quasi-transitive graphs with T. Rühmann, Discrete mathematics, Algorithms and Applications.
Two characterisations of accessible quasi-transitive graphs with M. Hamann.
Graphs and Groups
Co-maximal graphs of two generators groups with R. Nikandish, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications.
Co-maximal Graphs of Subgroups of Groups with S. Akbari and R. Nikandish, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 60 (1), 12-25
Integral of groups with K. Filom, Communications in Algebra 45 (3), 1105-1113.
Co-maximal ideal graphs of matrix algebras with R. Nikandish, Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana 24 (1), 1-10
A note on infinite aS-groups with R. Nikandish Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 65 (4), 1003-1009.
A note on co-maximal ideal graph of commutative rings with S. Akbari and R. Nikandish Ars Combinatoria, 134, 261–265.
Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics.
-Carl Friedrich Gauss